Knowing she is in love with animation, I had asked her if it was at all possible to create a simple animation of Larry Mizzle dancing a bit. I didn't want color because I knew it would take longer. She loved the idea and began working on it. In 2 weeks, she created this cute 4 second animation of my character. I am so in love with it! I had it playing on my computer all day when she gave it to me. I took her animation and added music. He seemed to move so well to The Black Keys as he danced. I had discovered something about Larry I had never knew before. He loves The Black Keys, but who doesn't, right?
In return I created a special Mizzle just for her. She loves pigs! I found socks with flying super pigs on them. With them, I create Maggie Mizzle.

Hubbert is her pet pig that was rescued from being slaughtered, which is why he doesn't have ears or a tail. But he is a happy little pig, who enjoys sleeping under the acorn tree, nibbling on corn, and discovering cures for diseases.
By night, Maggie becomes Super Pig and Hubbert become Sidekick Pig! They are a duo super hero team who rescue pigs around the world from any type of harm.