Here are the Mizzles who have found great homes and provided close to $300 for TLC:
Bio: Ula-la has the super ability to become a
disco ball at will. This makes her very
popular at all of the parties!
Unfortunately, it takes 13 hours before she can return to her normal
self. When she is in disco ball form,
she loves to use cheesy pick-up lines on nearby lamps…the good looking ones, of
Bio: Her
name is literally Pig in Turkish and Pig Latin.
Domuz spends most of her time wondering what the weird creatures are on
her body because she has never seen land animals before. She loves to practice acupuncture on puffer
fish to help them with their anxiety.
Her favorite food is sushi even though it is highly frown upon in
Mermizzle society. She has the secret
super power to turn into a glow in the dark pig.
Bio: She is a curious little one, who loves to
take things apart to see how they work and carefully puts them back
together. She loves to study the
development and movements of bugs, which she translates into interpretive
dance. In her free time, she loves to
melt crayons.
Name: Snow
Bio: Snow Pea is a special little creature, who
has one real eye, but wears a fake one to fit it with the other Mizzles. Whenever someone stands on her left, she
thinks they have the super power to become invisible, but really they are just
standing in her blind spot. She loves to
show off her ability to shoot hairballs on command. She spends most of her day
picking hair off of animals one by one until she has enough to make a
scarf. Her favorite word is “kerplunk.”
Bio: Cotovatre thinks he is a suave
Mermizzle. He loves cheesy pick-up lines
and tests them out on sea cucumbers. His
favorite line is “Are you Swedish? Because you’re the Swedish fish in the
sea.” He can invert his stripes on
command. He leads his posse of clown
fish around the ocean and play connect-the-dots on any spotted fish.

Bio: She is a mischievous one, who loves to
rearrange things to confuse others. No
one ever suspects her because she has mastered the look of confusion. Her
partner in crime is Pooford, a funny looking sea creature. They enjoy stealing anything that begins with
the letter “R.” She has the ability to
shed hair on command. In her spare time, she throws tea parties for sea snails.
Bio: He is the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the
Mermizzles. He is a body builder, who
loves to be the center of attention. His
favorite hobby is to make rainbows with skittles, but he considers it his super
power. He lives his life as if he were
in a music video, so he’ll randomly sing and dance.
Bio: His parents named him after the first
thing they saw. Ironically, he’s good at
cleaning. He can shoot windex from his left tail-fin-thingy. Sometimes it leaks
when he gets nervous. He enjoys breaking
and entering into homes to clean their windows and mirrors.

Bio: His hobby is tap dancing. His tail doesn’t move very fast so he wears a
cape. He thinks it makes him swim
faster, but he always gets caught on everything. He has the ability to communicate with Sea

Bio: She’s a runway model since she has long legs. She likes to sneak into stores and change the
mannequin’s clothes because she thinks they look tacky. But her colorblindness doesn’t help either.

Bio: Every time he sneezes the temperature goes
up a degree. His only mirror is a
funhouse mirror, so he thinks he is short and kind of oddly shaped. He’s known as the limbo king, since he can
limbo ON SKATES!!! He enjoys staying up
late to watch infomercials. He can never
resist buying the hair care products even though he doesn’t have hair. He’s an “As seen on TV” addict, but will
never admit it.
Bio: She is good hearted and carefree. She enjoys making bubbles while pretending to
be an airplane. Her antennae can detect
when somebody is close by, but it only works within a fin radius (note: one fin
= one foot). She spends her free time
braiding twizzlers.
All of the characters found wonderful homes. Thank you to all of the students and staff who participated in the auction! And a special thanks to my storytellers: Kimberly Vance, Geovanna Torres, and Joanna Lee, who helped give them additional life.